
Hi there! I’m Anna, and I’m an Orthodox Christian from Ukraine. I like to keep things simple in my life. I’m a lady who works as an art instructor for children, adores small businesses, and is active on Instagram.

Anna, an Orthodox Christian from Ukraine

I have always loved religious jewelry and vestments. I know that a lot of people find inspiration in beauty, and that’s why I create religious jewelry – to share the beauty of Christianity with others.

When I started my website, I wanted to share my experience and knowledge with others. I love writing great articles that offer valuable advice to my visitors. I hope that my website will continue to help people find the right religious jewelry and vestments for their needs. It’s such a blessing to be able to create something that brings people closer to God.

You can find out more about my personal life by looking me up on Facebook.

If you want to connect with me, please write me an email: [email protected] .

Thanks for supporting me in what I do. God bless!